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Tuesday, 7 August 2018

How to lose weight in four weeks-diet chart

lose weight

Everyone desires or wishes to have a body that is fit and curvy. A regular workout helps a lot to people who are already fit. But there are millions of people who are overweight or healthy and are battling weight loss. For them, exercise is not adequate.

Exercise and diet are like two sides of a coin because both are necessary if a person wants to lose weight or bring the body back in shape. You can’t attain a fit body with just one of them. So we can say regular workout and diet plan is your path to rescue.


Dieting in simple words means to eat healthily. To eat healthily it means to know what your calorie intake should be because the best way to lose weight is to burn calories. A workout is a way to burn calories but if you forget to put calories in, you will mostly end up hurting your muscle.

Many dieticians say that the diet chart is given on the basis of the blood group or weight of the person. The reason behind dietician’s saying this is that they want to become lucrative. But I have noticed that all dieticians are personalized and same diet chart can be followed by all.

The only thing that a person should find out before making a diet plan is the reason for weight gain. The 3 most common reasons are

  • sluggishness
  • Wrong dietary habits
  • Wandering routine

The making of a diet plan is not sufficient to lose weight because it is of no use if you are not following it properly and regularly. Here is the diet plan for four weeks that will help you in bringing your body back in shape.

Things to be noted

Here are the few things that you should always remember if you are on dieting

  • Don’t skip breakfast. Just have it on time i.e. between 8 am to 9 am
  • Avoid the intake of salt after7:30 pm
  • No oxygenated drinks. Not even the diet version
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Confine fruits like mango, banana
  • Restrict rice and potatoes
  • No packed juices
  • Cut- down alcohol
  • Exercise regularly
  • Plan meals that are regular and small

Indian diet chart

So here is your chart. It is most suitable to Indians.

  • As soon as you make up eat flax seeds i.e. after grinding and with it intake at least 1 glass of water/2 glasses of tulsi leaves water (soak 5 leaves of tulsi in it and then strain out leaves and the drink the water). Instead of tulsi leaves, you can even use 1 tsp methi seeds.
  • 9 am- eat one packet of oats /1 brown bread toast with little butter/one healthy sandwich
  • 11:30-eat any one fruit with fewer calories like pomegranate, papaya/2 digestive biscuits/10 almonds
  • 1:30 pm- before taking chapatti always drink water or salad because it reduces your lunch you can have 1 chapatti with one bowl of vegetable/1 bowl dalia+1 brown bread toast/1 quarter place rice with one bowl vegetable
  • 4pm-1 cup of milk or tea with 2 salted biscuits /1 bowl of popcorn without butter
  • 6 pm- 2 pieces of Dhokla /1 fruit/ boiled macaroni
  • Between 7:30 to 8pm-1 chapatti with 1 bowl of vegetable/1 bowl dal+1 bowl curd+ salad

By the end of 1 month, you will surely lose 4-6 kg. But only if you follow the diet plan rigidly.

The post How to lose weight in four weeks-diet chart appeared first on SaveDelete.

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