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Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Help You Lose Weight

After hearing a lot about apple cider vinegar diet for weight loss, I strongly felt doing some research on this topic. Now I am sharing my blog ‘Can apple cider vinegar help you lose weight’ with my readers to update them with the information gathered.

Many researchers say that apple cider vinegar is a health tonic. Studies show that it lowers blood sugar level, decreases the level of cholesterol and improves metabolism. But can you lose weight with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is prepared by the fermentation of apple. It contains health-promoting enzymes and probiotics and is fewer in calories and sugar.

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar range from treating acne, soothing burns to boosting your digestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

  1. Regulates the level of blood sugar– Insulin hormone is known to transport the blood sugar to the tissues where glucose is utilized to produce energy. When a high level of insulin is sustained it results in insulin resistance that reduces the effectiveness and increases the blood sugar level and leads to diabetes. Apple cider vinegar increases insulin sensitivity. In fact, a study conducted on rats showed that when diabetic rats were given apple cider vinegar for four weeks, their blood sugar level decreased.
  2. Improves metabolism and gut health- Apple cider vinegar contains good bacteria that promotes digestion. It is an excellent probiotic and rich in malic acid and acetic acid. It improves the health and number of gut microbe and improves bowel movements.
  3. Lowers blood pressure- Acetic acid present in ACV reduces blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart diseases as it forces the heart to work hard. Eventually, the muscles get weak and deteriorate over the time. Also, studies have shown that apple cider vinegar blocks the action of a specific enzyme that is responsible for raising blood pressure.
  4. Lowers cholesterol level– Cholesterol builds up in arteries and makes them hard and narrow. Narrow artery puts a strain on the heart and forces the heart to work hard to push blood throughout the body. ACV keeps the cholesterol level under check. It Reduces the level of bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.
  5. Other health benefits of ACV- Researchers also claim that apple cider vinegar can detoxify the body, treat seasonal allergies and ease symptoms of a cold.

The body’s pH decides the body’s alkalinity and acidity. Severe acidity is a cause of many health issues such as acidosis and also effects lungs and kidney. Being alkaline in nature, ACV balances the body’s pH level. It is also regarded as anti-cancer and is known to promote well-being and vitality.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose weight?

After acknowledging apple cider vinegar benefits now lets come back to our question “Can apple cider vinegar help you lose weight.”

It has been scientifically proved that apple cider vinegar improves digestion, boosts metabolism, increases insulin sensitivity. All these benefits of ACV amp up fat burning and weight loss. Also, ACV contains pectin. Pectin is a fibre that gives a sense of fullness and lowers your desire to overeat compulsively. It accelerates the ability of the body to break fat and protein derive nutrients quickly and efficiently.

Apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight, but it is not a magic potion, and it won’t help you alone. For the desired weight loss you need to adopt a healthy diet regime and active lifestyle.

The magic of ACV works only when we incorporate its moderate amount into a sensible and nutritious diet plan in a sustainable and balanced way. It can also seamlessly fits into the keto diet.

How To Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Being high in acidic content, ACV should never be taken undiluted. The best way to take apple cider vinegar for weight loss is to consume it after diluting it with water

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Ingredients Needed

  • A cup of lukewarm water
  • Apple cider vinegar- 2 teaspoon
  • Honey- 2 teaspoon.

What TO DO

Mix all the ingredients, and your ACV drink is ready. This drink should be consumed half an hour before a meal 2-3 times in a day.

*ACV is acidic so to protect your teeth from the adverse effect of acid rinse your mouth with baking soda after consuming the drink.

Alternative Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

  1. Apple cider vinegar green tea

Ingredients required

  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 teaspoon
  • Honey- 1 teaspoon
  • Green tea leaves- 1 teaspoon
  • Water- 1 Cup

What To Do

  • Boil a cup of water.
  • Remove it from flame
  • Steep green tea in it for 3-4 minutes.
  • Strain the tea.
  • Add Apple cider vinegar and honey.
  • Stir the added ingredients and drink it.
  1. Apple cider vinegar and spinach smoothie


  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 teaspoon
  • Pomegranate- A half cup
  • Spinach- a half bunch
  • Chopped apricots- 1 teaspoon

What To Do

  • Blend pomegranate, spinach and apricot in a blender
  • Add apple cider vinegar
  • Sit well, and your smoothie is ready.
  1. Apple cider vinegar salad dressing recipe 1

Ingredients required:

  • Freshly chopped basil leaves- One-fourth cup
  • Olive oil- A half cup
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey- 2 teaspoon
  • Salt- According to taste
  • Black pepper- Half teaspoon

What To Do

  • Mix all the ingredients
  • Add to your salad
  1. ACV Salad dressing recipe- 2

Ingredients required

  • ACV- 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil- 2 tablespoon
  • Mustard- 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice- half teaspoon
  • Black pepper- one-fourth teaspoon
  • Chopped garlic- one fourth teaspoon
  • Salt- To taste

What To Do

  • Mix all the ingredients
  • Add to the salad
  1. Apple cider vinegar and cinnamon drink


  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 teaspoon
  • Water- 1 cup
  • Cinnamon powder- A half teaspoon

What To Do

  • Boil water
  • Add cinnamon powder and mix well
  • Let the concoction cool
  • Add ACV
  • Stir well, and your drink is ready
  1. Apple cider vinegar detox drink

Ingredients required

  • Warm water- 1 glass
  • ACV- 2 tablespoons
  • Ground ginger- 1-one and half teaspoon
  • Cinnamon- one-fourth teaspoon
  • Raw honey- 1 teaspoon
  • Cayenne pepper- 1 dash

What To Do

  • Mix all the ingredients to warm water and drink it warm.
  1. Watermelon and ACV summer drink

Ingredients required

  • Watermelon juice- 1 glass ( Blend watermelon pieces until it liquifies and strain the puree)
  • ACV- half cup
  • Light honey- 1 teaspoon

What To Do

  • Mix the ingredients and stir well. Keep in refrigerator for a few hours. It’s a perfect drink for summers.

What Is The Daily Safe Dose Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not a medicine. It is food, and so there is no rule on how much doses of ACV is safe. However, reliable sources state that drinking 1-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar three times in a day is safe.

*The recommended doses vary from person to person so better consult your dietician or physician to know what works for you.

While there so many health benefits of apple cider vinegar diet there are also potential side effects one should keep in mind. Being acidic undiluted apple cider vinegar can burn your oesophagus. It can irritate your throat and strip enamel.

Prolonged intake of ACV has been found to lower potassium level and may decrease bone density. Also, as ACV alters insulin level, diabetic patients should be cautious about high apple cider vinegar diet. If you are taking diabetic medications or diuretics ACV diet may interact with these medicines. So, before starting apple cider vinegar diet to help you lose weight better consult your physician.

And yes, always use organic and raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar.


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