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Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Best WhatsApp Status of 2018

Best WhatsApp Status

Looking for the best WhatsApp status for yourself? You have come to the right post as we have more than 350 WhatsApp status in this post, and we add them regularly, to keep these fresh.

We have created 5 sections, to browse the article easily.:

  1. Cool WhatsApp Status
  4. Sad Status
  5. Friendship Status
  6. Birthday Status

Cool WhatsApp Status

  1. Sometimes It’s better to be alone…No one can hurt you.
  2. The most painful goodbye’s are those which were never said and never explained.
  3. Sometimes one middle finger isn’t enough to let someone know how you feel. That’s why you have two hands.
  4. Sometimes I’m not angry, I’m hurt and there’s a big difference.
  5. My silence doesn’t mean that I quit… It simply means that I don’t want to argue with people who just don’t want to understand!
  1. Don’t be so happy, I don’t really forgive people, I just pretend like it’s okay and wait for my turn to destroy them.
  1. If you want to make your dreams come true, The first thing you have to do is wake up.
  1. I don’t have dirty mind, I have sexy imagination.
  1. The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.
  1. I’m not failed… my success is just postponed.
  1. Everyday is a second chance.
  1. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
  1. Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.
  1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
  1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  1. You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
  1. Life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
  1. You’re already a successful personal. The things we take for granted someone else is praying for.
  1. Dreams is not what you see in sleep, Is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep.
  1. I will win, not immediately but definitely.
  1. Had a really great “Night Out” last night, according to my police report.
  1. The road to success is always under construction.
  1. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
  1. Born to express not to impress.
  1. Silent people have the loudest minds.
  1. When I was born. Devil said,”Oh Shit! Competition!!!”
  1. I work for money, for loyalty hire a Dog.
  1. Some people are alive only, because it’s illegal to kill them.
  1. When nothing goes right… Go left!
  1. If you can’t convince them, confuse them.
  1. My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”.
  1. Not always “Available”.. try your Luck..
  1. Hey there Whatsapp is using me.
  1. Life is Short – Chat Fast!
  1. Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  1. I’m not single, I’m just romantically challenged.
  1. Trust in God, But lock your car.
  1. AwesoME ends with ME and Ugly starts with You.
  1. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
  1. It hurts when you have someone in your heart but not in your arms.
  1. Please don’t forget to smile 🙂
  1. Get up every morning, imagine a future then make it happen.
  1. Everyone is beautiful in their own way because God makes no mistakes.
  2. You’re right. I’m NOT perfect. But I’m unique!
  3. Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
  4. Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world… if you do so, you are insulting yourself…
  5. Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
  6. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
  7. It is almost impossible to smile on the outside without feeling better on the inside.
  8. No matter how strong of a person you are, there’s always someone who can make you weak.
  9. It’s funny how people say they miss you, but don’t even make an effort to see you.
  10. Life is like Facebook. People will like your problems & comment on them but no one’s gonna solve them because everyone is busy in updating their.
  11. Attitude is like underwear Don’t show it just wore it…
  12. I Am Not Special , I Am Just Limited Edition 😛
  13. I got less but I got best!
  14. Get as rude as possible and don’t let anyone tell you how to live.
  15. The only reason I am fat is because a tiny body couldn’t store all this personality.
  16. Adjustment with right people is always better than Argument with wrong people. A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.
  17. If a hug tells you how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever.
  18. Silence is the most powerful scream.
  1. Some people have “aha” moments, I just have “Oh Seriously?” moments.
  2. Dear humans, in case you forgot, I used to be your Internet. Sincerely, The Library.
  3. Don’t worry, the spider is smaller than you. “Yeah. So is a grenade.”
  4. They say “don’t try this at home” so I’m coming over to your house to try it.
  5. For you, I would swim across the ocean. LOL, just kidding, there are sharks in there.
  6. Sure, I do marathons. On Netflix.
  7. Your eyes water when you yawn because you miss your bed and it makes you sad.
  8. Always be positive. *Trips down the stairs* Whew, I got down those stairs fast.
  9. Never wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, and the pig likes it.
  10. Dear automatic flushing toilet… I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I wasn’t done yet.
  11. If you keep annoying me, I’ll give your phone number to all the kids and tell them it’s Santa’s hotline.
  12. Facebook should have “So What” button!
  13. As Facebook has a “Poke” button, it should have a “Kick” button as well.
  14. My greatest fear is that I will accidentally use the status update as the search bar.
  15. I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell – you see, I have friends in both places.
  16. Whoever said facebook was a good idea, “Let me share my dull life with the rest of the planet.” ?
  17. No matter what anyone says, my cooking is excellent, even the smoke alarm seems to be cheering me on!
  18. Facebook is the red carpet for pretty girls who have no talent.
  19. …It’s Not That I Hate You… But Let’s Put It This Way If You Were On Fire And I Had A Gallon Of Water I’d Drink It.
  20. He who went to facebook and left myspace is wise.
  21. Am quitting face book to face my books.
  22. Facebook should add a “dislike button” some updates are just too senseless.
  23. Facebook is where hypocrisy, falseness, double standards, rumors and depression meet up for coffee.
  24. I’d say we should have a “You Bore me” button on Facebook!
  25. Single doesn’t always mean lonely and relationship doesn’t always mean happy.
  26. Paper cut: A tree’s final moment of revenge.
  27. People like me great. People don’t like me great. As long as I like myself that all that matters.
  28. Thank you to every person who has ever told me I can’t. You are just another reason I will.
  29. I made my Facebook name “Benefits,” so when you add me now it says “you’re friends with benefits.”
  30. Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurrasic Park.
  31. How does a train eat? Chew, Chew…
  32. I’d walk through fire for my best friend. Well, not fire because that’s dangerous. But a super humid room… well not too humid, because you know… my hair.
  33. What did the traffic light say to the other traffic light? Don’t look, I’m changing.
  34. You know you’re an adult when you get excited about a new cleaning sponge at the kitchen sink.
  35. Yes of course I am athletic… I surf the Internet every day.
  36. I’m not weird, I’m just limited edition.
  37. Dear Diamond, we all know who is really a girl’s best friend. Sincerely yours, Chocolate Cake.
  38. Of course I talk to myself… sometimes I need expert advice.
  39. If Monday had a face… I would punch it.
  1. If the world really ends in 2012, I wasted my whole life in school.


  1. Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitude.
  2. If people are trying to bring you ‘Down’, It only means that you are ‘Above them’.
  3. Please don’t get confused between my personality & my attitude.
  4. My personality is who I am & my attitude depends on who you are!
  5. I’m Not Special , I’m Just Limited Edition.
  6. Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.
  1. I enjoy when people show Attitude to me because it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me!
  2. Stop checking my status ! Go get a Life!
  3. Coins always make sound but the currency notes are always silent! that’s why I’m always calm & silent.
  4. My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”.
  5. Life is too short. Don’t waste it removing pen drive safely.
  6. Life will give you exactly what you need, not what you want.
  7. I did lots of stupid things on social networking sites but atleast I never commented “Cute pic dear“ on girls profile picture.
  8. Your Whatsapp status say’s online …..If your online then why aren’t you texting me
  9. I started out with nothing and i still have most of it 🙂
  10. I was not busy to be online… I had just gave up on my life when I picked up this girls phone and saw my contact name as “Free Recharge”
  11. I will marry the girl who look as pretty as in her Aadhaar card
  12. They say we learn from our mistakes. So I’m making as many as possible! Soon I will be a genius.
  13. Sorry vegetarians we can’t pretend.
  14. Waiting for Wi-Fi network.
  15. I wish I had Google in my mind and antivirus in my heart.
  1. That awesome moment when you’re telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you.
  2. My friends are the weirdest, most craziest people I know but I love them.
  3. World is full of smiles, whenever friends are with me.
  4. If friendship is your weakest point then your the strongest person in the world.
  5. Good friends are like starts. You don’t always see them but you know they’re always there.
  6. Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.
  7. Never forget who was there for you when no one else was.
  8. Every friendship doesn’t change into love but every love begins with friendship.
  9. A beautiful friendship can change people.
  10. True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.
  11. A good friend would bail you out of jail but your best friend would be the one sitting next to you saying, damn that was cool.
  12. A true friend is someone who never gets tried of listening to your pointless dramas over and over again.
  13. Relation of friendship is greater then the relation of blood.
  14. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.
  15. A day spend with friends is always a day well spend.
  1. Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget.
  2. I’ve been using Google for 10 years and I have no idea who uses the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button
  3. Everyone has an annoying friend. If you don’t have one, it’s probably you.
  4. I love to walk in fog, because nobody knows I’m smoking.
  5. I’m not drunk, I’m just chemically off-balanced.
  6. Oh, so you wanna argue, bring it. I got my CAPS LOCK ON.
  7. I’m so poor that I can’t pay attention in class.
  8. Warning!!! I know KARATE and few other oriental words.
  9. I’m not virgin, my life fucks me everyday.
  10. I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
  11. Save water drink beer.
  12. Virginity is not dignity, It is just lack of opportunity.
  13. Not all men are fools, some stay bachelor.
  14. Phones are better than girlfriends, at least we can switch off.
  15. I love my job only when I’m on vacation
  1. Friends come and go, but enemies remain and build up.
  2. Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
  3. In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.
  4. How is a poor man a lot like a rich man? they both have an iPhone.
  5. Some people call me Mike, you can call me tonight.
  6. Sometimes you succeed and other times you learn.
  7. I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle… He’s dreaming too.
  8. Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my status.
  9. Not always “Available”.. try your Luck..
  10. Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  1. Sometimes patience has limits….
  1. I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing. I also love the ones who left my life and made it fantastic.
  1. In the beginning you’ll judge me, by the end, you’ll love me.
  1. I’ve had enough of trying to prove myself to people. Now I don’t care about what people think as long as I’m happy with myself!
  1. I am me and that’s all I can be…I’m not perfect and never wanted to be…but I am happy with who I am even with what people think of me and I’m great to be me
  1. Finally gotten completely back to myself again :)) hearts closed, minds on :))
  1. If someone tells you that you are ugly.. well, just be nice and say.. excuse me.. I’M NOT YOUR MIRROR..
  1. Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.
  1. If attitude kills…. I am the weapon of mass destruction…..
  1. Itz very easy to defeat someone , but itz very hard to win someone.
  1. The Man With BeArD will never Look Weird
  1. Life is like facebook. People will like your problems and comment, but no one will solve them because everyone else is too busy updating theirs.
  1. It funny how some people think u hate them, when u literally do not think of them at all.
  1. No matter how high waves of troubles are, No matter how hard they hit the coasts of my life.. but they’ll never ever be able to Sink Mountains of my Fight….
  1. There is no market for your EMOTIONS, so never advertise your FEELINGS, just display your ATTITUDE
  1. My style is like Amazon.. everyone says “Aur dikhao aur dikhao” ♡♡
  1. Always remember, You are bigger than your problems…….
  1. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
  1. I don’t need your attitude I have one of my own
  1. Roses are red skies are blue, out of my five fingers the middle one is for you.
  1. Having a girl friend is a cute thing,But I’m already committed with my #bed and #rajai.
  1. SINGLE is not a status. It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on other
  1. Learn to say NO and live a tension free life!
  1. Dear girls, keep your heels and standards always high…!!
  1. Don’t stress, do your best, forget the rest.
  1. Just finished blocking some numbers on whatsapp, if you can read this then you got lucky…!!!
  1. Sometimes I need a expert advice… So I talk to myself.
  1. Me + my room + music + internet connection + no study = A PERFECT DAY……
  1. My status is already high….
  1. Never hide your last seen, let people see how you are ignoring them… !!!!
  1. I text you because I want to have a conversation with you. Not to get one word answers..
  1. If a girl leaves you behind don’t bother, just find cutest one than her to make her respect you.
  1. Kill tension before tensions kill you, reach your goal before goal kicks you, live life before life leaves you.
  1. Be a game changer, world is full of copy cats….
  1. Someday you’ll understand that, I am the best thing that happened in your life, but it will be too late…
  1. Sometimes silence is not weakness but it’s actually saving of time by avoiding unnecessary conversation with nonsense people.
  1. The world is simple. If only people wouldn’t take too much pain in making in complex.
  1. May my enemies live a long life to see my success.
  1. End=effort never dies, No=next opportunity, Fail=first attempt in learning. So, be positive and think positive throughout your life..



  1. Every night I think of you before bed with the hopes of having you in my dreams.
  1. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her
  1. True Lovemeans No doubts + No jealousy + No worries then life is good
  1. Someone has stolen my heart and you are the highest on my list of suspects.
  1. When I dream, I dream of you. Maybe one day, dreams will come true. Because I really love you .
  1. Everybody needs someone in life to hold on to. Glad that I have you.
  1. A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.
  1. I crave a love so deep the ocean would be jealous.
  1. In love Never say “Sorry“!
  1. You can’t find love. Loveis something that finds you
  1. In life, I need only you! 
  1. Loveis more than my life and my love is you.
  1. I’ll love you until the day after forever.
  1. B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.V.W.X.Y.Z…..Did I missed anything??? Ohh yes, I miss U.
  1. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
  1. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
  1. Yes, I am selfish because I will never share you with anyone. 
  1. A loving heartis the beginning of all knowledge.
  1. Don’t break anyone’s heart .They have only one…..break their bones.They have 206.
  1. Whenever I search for love, I end up finding you
  1. Every lovestory is beautiful, but our is my favorite.
  1. So many of my smiles begin with you.
  1. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you
  1. I’m in lovewith you, and nobody stops loving you…
  1. There is no finish line so lovethe journey.
  1. Love is an ocean of emotions entirely surrounded by expenses.
  1. There are only two times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever.
  1. An honest relationship can give you more hope than anything else in the world.
  1. Can I borrow a kiss…I promise I’ll give it back.
  1. No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you. I swear it.
  1. There is No Scale To Measure the love.
  1. A silent hug means a thousand words to the deserving heart.
  1. I fell in love because of your words, and I got hurt because of them too!
  1. Even Romeo went from being “in a relationship” to “it’s complicated”.
  1. If you ever ask me how many times you’ve crossed my mind, I would say once. Because you came and never left.
  1. Loveis the only thing that controls every single emotion you have.
  1. If God asks what I most loved about life, I’ll say you.
  1. Love is that which can make you smile when you’re tired
  1. Fall in love, not in line.
  1. I love my life because it’s you.
  1. If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips.
  1. True lovehas a habit of coming back.
  1. You’re the ping to my pong.
  1. The person who makes you happiest is the person who can hurt you the most.
  1. I will be yours, you will be mine and together we will be one love.
  1. Love never fails and when it fails in life, then it does not love.
  1. I’m thinking of you, that’s all I do, all the time. You’re always the first and the last thing in my heart.
  1. Love is just a word until someone special gives it a meaning.
  1. Don’t look for love. Quietly give it away and let if find you back.
  1. Kiss me, and you may see stars, loveme and I will give them to you
  1. If I could be with you in my dreams. I would never wake up.
  1. A good heart and a good nature are two completely different issues.A good heart can will many relationships. But a good nature can win many good hearts.
  1. When the angels ask what I most loved about life, I’ll say you.
  1. Everyone says you fall in love only ones, but I fall daily with the same person.
  1. The best relationship is when you two can act like lovers and best friends.
  1. Don’t say you loveme unless you mean it.
  1. Don’t marry someone you can live with. Marry the person who cannot live without.
  1. Lovewhen you’re ready, not when you are alone.
  1. Loveis a gift from God and I have accepted this gift with open arms. I love you very much and promise never to leave you.
  1. When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds. But when we’re apart, days feel like years.
  1. Love is knowing that someone is there for you always
  1. Cute lady needs a cute boy and I’m here for the same.
  1. Happiness is when “Last seen at” changes to “online” and then to “typing..”
  1. Love is not about possession, Love is about appreciation
  1. The heart that loves stays always young.
  1. I want vitamin “U”.
  1. Love doesn’t need to be perfect.It needs to be true.
  1. I need you, you need me. Let’s make it work.
  1. Love means never having to say you’re sorry.
  1. Come in my Heart and pay no rent.
  1. There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you – I Love You.
  1. Age does not protect you from love, but love to some extent protects you from age.
  1. Love is a beautiful mistake of my life.
  1. My heart is perfect because.. you are inside.
  1. I want another day to you.
  1. You Are The Guy All My Love Quotes Are About.
  1. If I Know What Is Love, It Is Because Of You.
  1. Love Is Just Love, It Can Never Be Explained.
  1. Even On Bad Days, I’Ll Still Be Happy With You.
  1. You Are The Perfect Combination Of Sexy & Cute.
  1. Love When You Are Ready, Not When You Are Lonely. ( Love Whatsapp Status)
  1. Every Has An Addiction, Mine Just Happens To You.
  1. Love + Trust + Loyalty = Unbreakable Relationship
  1. When I Look Into Your Eyes I Tend To Lose Thoughts.
  1. Love Is All, Love Is New/ Love Is All, Love Is You.
  1. If You Really Lovesome, Don’T Tell Them. Show Them.
  1. We Fal In Love By Chance. We Stay In Love By Choice.
  1. If I Had My Life To Love Again, I’D Find You Sooner.
  1. I Love You More Than I Ever Found A Way To Say To You.
  1. You Are My Best Reason To Lose Sleep. I Love You Babu.
  1. I’N Lover Not A Fighter But I’Ll Fight For What I Love.
  1. Love Is When I Find Reason To Live. That Reason Is You. ( Love Quotes)
  1. True Loves Never Dies. Its Only Get Stronger With Time.
  1. You Have No Idea How Fast My Heart Beats When I See You.
  1. You Don’T Mean Anything To Me. Ou Mean Everything To Me.
  1. You’Re My Strength But Loving You Is My Biggest Weakness.
  1. You Give Me The Type Of Feeling, People Write Novels About.
  1. You Are The First & Last Thing On Y Mind Each & Every Time.
  1. Love Is Just Word Until Someone Special Gives It A Meaning. ( Love Status for Whatsapp)
  1. I Like To When You Smile. But I Love It When I’M The Reason.

Sad Status

  1. A relationship is only made for two….but some just forget how to count.
  2. I know my silence and my tears will heal my pain.
  3. I close my eyes and dream of a time when I wasn’t all alone.
  4. If you give up on me, I’m going to give up on me too.
  5. It’s sad how people become what they had promised they never will.
  6. Loneliness is the human condition. No one is ever going to fill that space.
  7. The worst feeling is pretending as if you don’t care at all When in reality that’s all you can think of.
  8. Please BURN my sad memories.
  9. I don’t care for people, who don’t care for me.
  10. One Of The Hardest Things To Do.Is To Delete Old Messages Which is sent by the GF.
  11. I’m slowly giving up.
  12. I don’t depend on people anymore because I’m tired of being disappointed.
  13. I’m invisible until someone needs me.
  14. My silence is just another word for pain
  15. I’m missing something in my life these days.
  16. Silence is the most powerful SCREAM.
  17. BEING IGNORED, worst feeling ever.
  18. I don’t need drugs, Life is killing me slowly all by itself.
  19. When you are happy, you enjoy the music. But, when you are sad you understand the lyrics.
  20. One night I burn in the fire of my own all thoughts….
  21. How did I go from being so happy, to so sad?
  22. The most painful goodbyes are those which were never said and never explained…
  23. I always found the right one at the wrong time.
  24. Out of all lies, you have told….. was my favorite.
  25. I felt a great emptiness without him, I will miss him the rest of my life.
  26. I don’t need a therapy, I need a hug.
  27. If it not happy ending then there is no ending…
  28. The sad part isn’t that we never talk, it’s that we used to talk every day.
  29. We all feel lost sometimes.
  30. Love that gives us our pet is unique, I feel very sad because my dog died. In the house it.
  31. I hate being broken. I hate that I cannot go back.
  32. Isn’t it sad that you are hurt so much that finally, you can say “I’m used to it”?
  33. I’m missing something in my life these days
  34. When u start missing,u fall in love again.
  35. Life is short, there is no time to leave important words UNSAID.
  36. People cry not because they are weak, It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.
  37. A tear is made of … 1% water and 99% feelings.
  38. I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms.
  39. The irony of life is, it gives you the hardest of times when u least expect it.
  40. I’m not afraid to fall in LOVE, I’m afraid to fall for a wrong person again.
  41. Pain is the only thing that’s telling me I’m still alive.
  42. love is so strange…sometimes it reasons 2 live life..and sometimes it becomes reason 2 leave life.
  43. I want you to be FREE, but I can watch you SOAR away from me.
  44. It’s never the tear that measures the PAIN, sometimes it’s the SMILE we fake.
  45. I feel lost inside myself.
  46. Dear heart, please stop getting involved in Everything. Your job is just to pump blood, So stick to it.
  47. I’m a simple person, who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.
  48. Emptiness feels so heavy.
  49. It will make him so jealous to see you’re happy without him.
  50. Do not mock a pain that you haven’t endured
  51. Sometimes I want to die for a day and just watch and see who really cares.
  52. I feel like everything I do is wrong.
  53. I was your cure and you were my disease. I was saving you, and you were killing me.
  54. The strongest among us are the ones who smile through the silent pain, cry behind closed doors and fight battles nobody knows about.
  55. I will never stop caring, but if you decide to push me away, I will go
  56. Can’t deny that I want you.
  57. My life is just one big heavy sigh.
  58. I hate when I am laying in bed looking out my window for the moon and stars, but I can’t find the Moon.
  59. I am not worthy of being in love.
  60. Forgive me for my mistakes, I’m still a kid learning the responsibility of being an adult.
  61. Loving him is not a mistake, but thinking that he loved me was.
  62. Temporary happiness isn’t worth long-term pain.
  63. That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.
  64. You know my name not my story.
  65. I wish not to have feelings.
  66. There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy.
  67. Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
  68. The World is mad and the people are sad.
  69. I can feel you forgetting me.
  70. Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends.
  71. Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.
  72. Absolute silence leads to Sadness. It is the image of death.
  73. It’s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.
  74. If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours.
  75. Don’t cry because it’s over, smiles because it happened.
  76. If it’s not a happy ending then it’s not the ending at all.
  77. You Always Get Hurt The Moment You Begin To Care.
  78. My silence is just another word for my PAIN.
  79. I don’t have a lot of friends, I just know a lot of people.
  80. I smile not for that I am happy, but sometimes I smile to hide sadness.5
  81. Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.
  82. Hate is like acid.It damages the vessel in which it is stored and destroys the vessel in which it is poured.
  83. The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me go.
  84. I just want to fall asleep until I don’t miss you anymore.
  85. Life goes on with or without you!
  86. When You Sit Alone …You Sit With Your Past …
  87. I close my eyes and dream of a time when I wasn’t all alone.
  88. I have to cut because it’s the only way I can smile.
  89. Why does life keeps teaching me lessons that I’ve no desire to learn?
  90. It’s better to be lonely than to be played by wrong people.
  91. The CURE for anything is salt WATER – Sweat, Tear, or the SEA.
  92. I hate it when crying is the only way to feel better.
  93. I am not happy without you in Life.
  94. One morning you wake up afraid to live.
  95. Everybody knows that something’s wrong but nobody knows that what’s going on.
  96. Sometimes it’s better to be Alone…Nobody can hurt you.
  97. The deepest people are the ones who’ve been hurt the most.
  98. Sometimes the person you trust most is the one who trust you the least.
  99. Loneliness doesn’t KILL, but sometimes I wish it DID.
  100. People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

Friendship Status

  1. Relation of friendship is greater then the relation of blood.
  2. Friendship is like a paper once it’s crumpled it can’t be perfect.
  3. Every friendship doesn’t change into love but every love begins with friendship.
  4. A friend is a person who goes around saying nice things about you beside your back.
  5. Never forget who was there for you when no one else was.
  6. Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.
  7. Good friends are like starts. You don’t always see them but you know they’re always there.
  8. If friendship is your weakest point then your the strongest person in the world.
  9. World is full of smiles, whenever friends are with me.
  10. My friends are the weirdest, most craziest people I know but I love them.
  11. My best friend is the only person in the world who could stop me from crying.
  12. Friendship isn’t a big thing it’s a million little things.
  13. That awesome moment when you’re telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you.
  14. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your hear.
  15. A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second an stops the third.
  16. It is better to live alone. There is no friendship with a fool.
  17. A best friend is like a four leaf cover. Hard to find and luck to have.
  18. I don’t have an attitude, I have standards for the people who are supposed to be my friends.
  19. Selfless love is more common than true friendship.
  20. True friends will pick you up when you fall. The bad friends will have been the one who made you fall in the first place.
  21. A best friend is someone who tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.
  22. Love begins with a smile grows with a kiss and end with tear drop.
  23. A good friend helps you up when yo fall a best friend laughs in your face and trips you again.
  24. Friends are notes to life’s great songs. A melody that carries you along.
  25. Fake friends are around when they think you’re cool. True friends are around even when they think you’re fool.
  26. That awkward moment when people act like they know your best friend better than you do.
  27. True friendship is sitting together in silence and feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had.
  28. Good Thinks come to those who wait.
  29. Once best friends now strangers with memories.
  30. Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget.
  31. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
  32. A day spend with friends is always a day well spend.
  33. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.
  34. Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun and leave you in the dark.
  35. A beautiful friendship can change people.
  36. A true friend is someone who never gets tried of listening to your pointless dramas over and over again.
  37. Don’t make friends before understand and don’t break friendship after misunderstanding.
  38. A good friend would bail you out of jail but your best friend would be the one sitting next to you saying, damn that was cool.
  39. True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.
  40. Friendship doubles your joy and divides your sorrow.
  41. Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies.
  42. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
  43. True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi connects automatically.
  44. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
  45. Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives.
  46. Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm & constant.
  47. Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.
  48. A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.
  49. Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend’s success.
  50. I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.
  51. A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling.
  52. There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.
  53. Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?
  54. It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.
  55. My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
  56. Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.
  57. Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.
  58. Friends are the family you choose
  59. A friendship that can end never really began
  60. No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.
  61. Some people go to priests, others to poetry, I to my friends.
  62. Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief.
  63. Never leave your friends side unless you want drama.
  64. Friendship is never forgettable in your whole life. It is always sweet like chocolate but never bitter like Neem.
  65. A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
  66. Friends give us the change to lift the blinds on our hearts to open up and show what we generally keep hidden from the rest of world.
  67. Just when I’m about to part with my friends is when I realize that I had the best group of friends ever
  1. Friendship is a mirror, so that nothing can be hidden.
  2. You don’t make friends, recognize them.
  3. It is easy to earn. Friendship is hard to get; wealthy depreciates everyday but our friendship will ever appreciate and be there forever.
  4. I care about you deeply and always thank God for you. I want to be your best friend, to support you and be there for you.
  5. I appreciate you deeply, especially knowing that you have loved me in spite of my weakness and allowed me to shine with you as my friend.
  6. Your friendship reminds me of God’s faithfulness because you show me where I’m and that I’m not where I used to be. Thank you, for being my friend.
  7. I find rest in the shadow of your friendship. You always know the right words to say which gives me the strength to move on.
  8. If I was asked what a friend looks like, I would seat next to you and hold you tight because you define what true friendship really is.
  9. True friendship is like what water is to the fish, I cannot do without it and you are my true friend.
  10. You are my smile which will never fade. A breathe sweet to take. That is why I will treasure our friendship forever.
  11. There may not be something between us to remember forever but there is something that will not make us forget each other, our friendship.
  12. Your friendship to me means a lot to me.
  13. Though I may seem not to be expressing anything now, some day you will come to will come to understand that having you is what I will ever live for in life.
  14. You have been the best friend ever. Supporting and cheering me on. I hope I can reciprocate the kindness you have shown me all this time.
  15. Best friends are sent from the heavens. They provider a shoulder to cry on during heartbreaks.
  16. Life is a party whenever I’m with you. You turn my tears into smiles when we share and laugh together.
  17. You make me spend a lot and it is worth it because I care about you my friend.
  18. Friends are more expensive then diamonds because the diamond always have a price but friends are priceless.
  19. A good friend is always encouraging. He will always appreciate your talent and will support you in doing your best to excel in your academics and in the fields of your interest.
  20. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
  21. The Joy Of True Friendship Is Hot That Last Forever. Thank You For Adding Such Joy To My Life.
  22. Your Friendship Is A Special Gift. Generously Given, Happily Accepted And Deeply Appreciated.
  23. Best Friends Are The People You Can Do Anything And Nothing With And Still Have The Best Time.
  24. best friends never have the same nature, they just have best understanding of their difference.
  25. Friendship Is Delicate As A Glass, Once Broken It Can Be Fixed But There Will Always Be Cracks.
  26. The Best Things In Life Aren’t Things. They Are People Like You. My Friend. Happy Friendship Day.
  27. The Most Memorable People In Life Will Be The Friends Who Loved You When You Weren’t Very Lovable. ( Friendship Status for Whatsapp)
  28. Friendship Is Not About Who You Have Known Longest, It Is About Who Came And Never Left Your Side.
  29. A Candle Can Keep A Room A Glow With Its Light But A True Friend Like You Makes All My Days Bright.
  30. A Friends Is Someone Who Can See The Truth And Pain In You Even When You Are Fooling Everyone Else.
  31. A Friend Will Strengthen You With His Prayers, Bless You Eith His Love & Encourage You With His Hope.
  32. A Real Friends Is Someone Who Thinks You’Re A Good Egg ! Even Though They Know You’Re Slightly Cracked.
  33. Friends Come And Go, Like The Waves Of The Ocean, But The True Ones Stay, Like And Octopus On Your Face.

Birthday Status

  1. Wishing you happy endings and great beginnings. Happy Birthday!
  2. I’m so glad you would born, because you have a brighten of my life and filled it with joy. Happy birthday…
  3. Birthdays will come & go but the wishes will live together with us.
  4. Angels are singing, the sun is shining, today is your birthday & i am celebrating. You are my angel in heaven. I Love You!
  5. Thanking my Dear Lord for another wonderful year of life full of blessings and thanks for all the birthday wishes.
  6. Happy Birthday my precious angel! May God guard all your steps, actions and thoughts and keeps you healthy and lucky!
  7. Birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake.
  8. Happy Birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.
  9. Wishing you a birthday filled with sweet moments and wonderful memories to cherish always! Happy Birthday!
  10. May you be gifted with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy Belated Birthday!
  11. Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new And in the end is not the year in your life that count, it’s the life in your year.
  12. May your day with the filled with the warm sunshine of love, and the bright colour of laughter.
  13. May this day bring to you all things that makes you smile?
  14. Just wanted to wish a little sunshine back in the heart of someone,
    How gives it always all year long. Happy birthday!
  15. These angle are coming in your way, with lots of love from me to say have a very happy birthday.
  16. Your birthday has already passed but hoping its was simply on the best, many many happy return of the day happy birthday friend.
  17. Happy birthday to my friend, stay blessed and happy this day.
  18. Happy birthday to my amazing, beautiful and fabulous best friend. You are the most gifted person on this earth, happy birthday my best friend.
  19. I hope your birthday is magical. May your gift be Healthy,  love and Happiness.
  20. Do you believe in miracles ? I sure do because i found you I love you Happy birthday to you…
  21. I will never lets you fall, I will stand up with you forever, I will be there for you through it all Happy birthday my love..
  22. I fell in love with you not for how you look, just for how you are. happy birthday my life.
  23. Thank you tender love you will never really know how happy that you have me and how much i love you to so.
  24. On your special day today I wish and pray, may you get the hole  happiness Happy birthday brother.
  25. I’m blessed to have a brother like you, my constant energy but always there to make my day, happy birthday bro…
  26. Happy birthday brother, wishing you a day filled with happiness, and a year filled with  joy.
  27. A brother is a friend give by nature, happy birthday brother.
  28. A mother holds her children hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. Happy birthday mom.
  29. Mom you are my best friend and greatest confidante, I could not be any happier to have you as my mother, happy birthday my mom…
  30. God could not be every where and there for he made mother  happy birthday mom and I love you.
  31. We laugh we cry we make time fly… we are best friend my mom and I…
  32. A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one can else can take.
  33. Simply copy and paste these status updates on your facebook wall, twitter and WhatsApp to tell that special person how special he/she is.
  34. Thank you Mom for giving birth to this wonderful child.
  35. A whole day to celebrate.
  36. Yes, today is my birthday, Therefore I will be treated like a Queen..
  37. Happy Birthday to the most amazing man ever…
  38. I’m so awesome, when I was born, I was given a certificate…
  39. Birthdays are good for me. The more I have, the longer I live. Lol
  40. Hope my birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true!
  41. I hope that today is the beginning of a great year for ME
  42. Hey Everyone.. Eat, drink and make merry because it is my birthday.
  43. Birthdays will come and go but the wishes will live together with us.
  44. Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.
  45. Birthdays are like boogers. The more you have the harder it is to breathe.
  46. I want to thank everyone for my special day, come and join me as I celebrate it.
  47. Your wishes really touched me and made my birthday all the more special.
  48. Forget the fact that you are aging, and let us start celebrating! Happy birthday!
  49. Don’t worry about your age, you will be older next year.. Happy birthday!
  50. I enjoy all year which was passed before with my friends but today I today I’m going to enjoy my b’day with my husband.
  51. Angels are Dancing, the sun is shining, today is your birthday and I am celebrating. Happy B Day to My friends…
  52. I fell in love with you not for how you are look, just for how you are from heart. happy birthday my life.
  53. Today is your birthday On this special day today I wish and pray, may you get the lot of happiness & joy Happy B’Day brother.
  54. I thanks the God who can give me Brother like you Happy Birthday Brother…
  55. May all happiness and joy come true in your life. many happy return of the day Happy b’day bro.
  56. Mom you are my best friend Mom,May god give you all happiness to my mom… Happy birthday my mom.
  57. Thank you to all the people who greeted me on my birthday yesterday and today.
  58. May this day bring countless happiness and endless joy and live with peace and serenity to me 🙂
  59. Happy Birthday my precious angel! May God guard all your steps, actions and thoughts and keeps you healthy and lucky!
  60. Birthday are incomplete without the ones who love and care for you. Thank you for making my birthday so memorable.
    Your wishes really touched me and made my birthday all the more special.
  61. Thank you for adding to the joyful spirit of my birthday party with your presence and lovely gift.
  62. Thank you for such a nice gesture when you greeted me for my birthday. It was better than a material gift.
  63. My birthday just would not be the same without your warm and loving wishes. Thank you so much for all of them.
  64. Forget the fact that you are aging, and let us start celebrating! Happy birthday!
  65. Just want to THANK ALL OF YOU for making me feel special on my Birthday, Love You Guys!
  66. Birthdays will come & go but the wishes will live together with us.
  67. Happy birthday to someone close to me. Hope all the angels are singing to you in heaven.
  68. Happy Birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.
  69. Thanking my Dear Lord for another wonderful year of life full of blessings… and thanks for all the birthday wishes.
  70. Angels are singing, the sun is shining, today is your birthday and i am celebrating. You are my angel in heaven. I Love You.
  71. Today, Not 1 person said HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me It wasn’t a shock today not my birthday.
  72. Birthdays are good for me. Statistics show that the more I have the longer I live. 🙂
  73. Yup its my Birthday yaaay me.. or, Its my Birthday so make sure you wish me happy birthday lol.
  74. May this day bring countless happiness and endless joy and live with peace and serenity to me 🙂
  75. Happy Birthday my precious angel! May God guard all your steps, actions and thoughts and keeps you healthy and lucky!
  76. My birthday just would not be the same without your warm and loving wishes. Thank you so much for all of them.
  77. Birthday are incomplete without the ones who love and care for you. Thank you for making my birthday so memorable.
  78. Thank you to all the people who greeted me on my birthday yesterday and today.
  79. Thank you for my birthday messages. It’s definitely been a birthday to remember.
  80. Thank you for such a nice gesture when you greeted me for my birthday. It was better than a material gift.
  81. Thank you for adding to the joyful spirit of my birthday party with your presence and lovely gift.
  82. May your day filled with the warm sunshine of love, Happiness & Joy, and the bright colour of laughter.
  83. May this day Give you all things that makes you Happy…
  84. Happy birthday to my friend, God blessed you and happy this day.
  85. Happy birthday to my Awesome, beautiful and fabulous best friend. You are the most gifted person on this world, happy birthday to my best friend…
  86. I hope your birthday is Awesome. May your gift be Healthy, joy and Happiness.
  87. Some like Pizza some like Burger, but I like your birthday.happy birthday my sweetheart…
  88. May you God Blessed you and You live Long Happy Birthday…
  89. I’m so glad you were born on this earth, because you have a brighten of my life and filled it with joy and happiness.. happy Birthday day..
  90. Just want to THANK ALL OF YOU for making me feel special on my Birthday, Love You Guys!
  91. Some like Sunday some like Monday, but I like your birthday. Happy birthday my sweetheart…
  92. Happy birthday to someone close to me. Hope all the angels are singing to you in heaven.
  93. Happy birthday, my friend. I can’t imagine celebrating with anyone else.
  94. May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.
  95. The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday.
  96. Have a wonderful happy, healthy birthday and many more to come. Happy Birthday
  97. May your birthday be filled with many happy hours and your life with many happy birthdays. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  98. May God shower his choicest blessings on you. wishing you happiness, good health and a great year ahead. Happy Birthday…
  99. You mean everything to me … I Love You … HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a day as special as you are!
  100. I was born with a gift, the gift of awesomeness…

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