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Friday, 20 July 2018

Best study tips for college students 

study tips

You can be very smart and studying can be easy for you, but that’s not enough. You will learn much less than planned, if the environment distracts you. How to study productively?

Our team in collaboration with essays kingdom have selected the best study tips for you.

Take notes properly

Technologies make life easier for us and make the learning process more effective. But you should not forget about old good friends — paper and pen. The information is acquired better if you take notes or outline what you read by hand.

Make brief synopses when you have such an opportunity. Decorate them with various drawings and symbols. The fact is that more than 40% of knowledge is acquired through visual memory. The brain is arranged in such a way that when we read the text, each letter is perceived as a separate picture.

Just in a condensed form to write important facts — it’s good. But if you add color markers to your notes, diagrams and sketches, training will be more effective. Doodles, squiggles, symbolic image of any concepts, colored stickers, large numbers painted pattern, info graphics.

Learn time management

Set the timer for 30-60 minutes, when you learn new information. Get up from the table and do something that is not related to learning, when one segment passes: walk five minutes, look out the window, slide, go for tea or coffee.

If you are preparing for the exam, make a list of questions for yourself and use the Pomodoro technique. Try to answer each question using the shortest possible time (25 minutes). You can compile a list of questions yourself or choose from the book: usually each chapter or topic in the educational publications ends with a block with questions.

Study with 10 minutes breaks

From time to time, be distracted for 10-30 minutes. Find a comfortable place (e.g., a bed, a sofa, a soft armchair), settle on the pillows and put on a blindfold to relax from sunlight. If there is no mask for sleep, the usual T-shirt will do. If you are afraid to fall asleep, put an alarm clock.

Meditate, do exercises from breathing exercises. They help to relieve stress and regain concentration.

Do stretching exercises or regular exercises. Such physical activity will help relieve tension in the muscles and restore the flow of blood to the brain. And this has a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities and reduces stress levels.

Don’t listen to music while studying

Get rid of everything that distracts you. Use the phone only on business. During breaks, you can see who called and call back. You can use the timer on your phone. But no chat rooms and funny pictures.

Transfer the phone to flight mode. This is the best solution, when the question is complex and you need to concentrate, without being distracted anymore by anything.

Inform family, friends, roommates and loved ones that you will be unavailable for several hours. If they will meet you and will not be distracted by their requests, questions and comments.

Check mail and social networks not more than 2-3 times a day. E.g., in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

Turn off the music and TV. Background noise will prevent you from remembering information, and you will not get pleasure from viewing your favorite program either or listening to your favorite songs.

Fence off the noise. If you are out of the house, take your headphones with you to ignore the background noise. Choose music that promotes productivity (a win-win version is a classic, e.g., Mozart, Haydn, Vivaldi, Beethoven) but not pop or rock songs. The music does not stop you from concentrating on the material. If you notice that you are concentrating more on the melody than on the subject being studied, turn off the player, wear ear plugs and do it in silence.

Sleep enough

When we talk about learning, cognitive abilities and personal effectiveness, we seem to be talking about inexhaustible reserves of energy, strength and internal resources. All of our learning abilities are limited by the physical resource of the brain, and this resource requires constant recharge.

Get enough sleep. A lack of 40% reduces cognitive function. If you slept little, you become duller by 50%. A full night’s sleep and half an hour’s sleep at lunchtime will improve your learning outcomes.

Create personal motivation list

To motivate yourself to study, you have to see the “target”. What for you are studying and “dying” over the abstracts and books. You have to create a motivational list.

Do you want to become an awesome plastic surgeon? Then be ready to cram to a semi-faint state of the name of the muscles, bones and tendons, as well as other medical terminology.

But after a few years you will wait for millionth royalties from pop stars for neat little noses and chic busts.

We will help you with your motivational list by 10 rules of motivation for Harvard students:

1. If you sleep now, you will see dreams, but they won’t be real. But if you prefer studying to sleeping, your dreams will come true.

When you think it is too late, there’s still time.

2. Suffering from studying is temporary. Suffering from ignorance is more permanent.

3. Studying is not about time, it’s about effort.

4. Exertion and effort can also be pleasant.

5. To succeed in everything is not for everyone. Success comes only from self-improvement and determination.

6. Time slips by.

7. Savoring today will turn into tears tomorrow.

8. Realists are those who contribute something to the future.

9. Your salary is directly-proportional to your level of education.

10. Today will never come back.

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